GENERAL INFO: A few of us got together and started this little team called "Driver's Pride" and we are current looking for people who shares our believes and have pride in their driving skills as teammates. We are looking for all levels of drivers, as long as they share our believes and actually want to learn or teach other people a thing or two about racing techniques, setup and so on. There will be no "try outs" as we are not looking for ONLY the best or the fastest as teammates. Just people who wants to share info and driving experience.
WHAT WE BELIEVE: Our believes are simple, so simple that a lot of people had a hard time understanding it. Simply put, we believe in good clean racing; no wall crashing, no car crashing. We simulate actual racing scenarios, where winning will depended on one's skill in the art of driving and not how good they are at crashing into people to slow them down or use walls as brakes. If you think so too, then we will be glad to have you as teammates.
HOW TO CONTACT: You can contact us by posting message at our club house message board to post you contact info. Please go to Team Contact page to access.
Last updated on WHAT'S NEW?
04/02/03 - New member: Rusty_Wallace
04/03/03 - Team website launch!
- New member: Alan (not a handle)
04/06/03 - member profile page updated!